发布时间:2018-05-11 编辑:36500365学生就业创业服务网 浏览:loading...
Columbia China 是一家外商独资的医疗投资机构,总部设立在上海。为满足中国对国际标准医疗服务需求的日益增长,Columbia China 在中国范围内投资设立多家综合、专科医院、康复机构及诊所。Columbia China 始终致力于为患者创造现代化的温馨环境,并以高质素的医护人员和高端的医疗技术为患者提供高质量,个性化的医疗保健服务。Columbia 中国目前正在上海,无锡,嘉兴和常州等城市管理及创建多家医疗保健康复机构。我们正在招聘集团人力资源实习生,集团法务实习生,集团财务实习生,集团审计实习生,如果您对我们的实习岗位感兴趣,请发送您的简历至:ressy.pang@columbia-china.com。
1. HR 招聘模块支持:集团招聘工作,包括简历筛选,电话面试,招聘报表制作,面试安排等;
2. HR 薪酬模块支持:员工信息系统维护,包括文件上传、信息更新等;
3. HR 培训模块支持:培训前材料准备、会议室布置等;
4. 协助养老运营高级总监完成材料中英文翻译;
5. 为养老业务部外籍领导做口语翻译;
6. 参与养老相关会议,并做好会议笔记;
7. 养老业务部资料整理;
5. 上级指派的其他工作。岗位要求
1. 大三、大四或研一、研二学生,英语相关专业;
2. 勤奋踏实, 学习沟通能力强;
3. 英语书面、口语熟练操作;
4. 电脑操作熟练,熟悉 office 软件使用。
1. 法务部历史档案整理登记;
2. 集团公司证照登记归档管理;
3. 整理集团历史涉及案子信息;
4. 法务相关信息数据搜寻;
5. 上级指派的其他工作。岗位要求
1. 大三、大四或研一、研二学生,法学相关专业;
2. 勤奋踏实, 学习沟通能力强;
3. 简单英语沟通;
4. 电脑操作熟练,熟悉 office 软件使用。
1. 配合财务出纳完成银行材料提交工作;
2. 配合财务会计进行发票检查工作;
3. 整理归档财务凭证;
4. 上级指派的其他工作。
1. 大三、大四或研一、研二学生,财会相关专业;
2. 勤奋踏实, 学习沟通能力强;
3. 电脑操作熟练,熟悉 office 软件使用。
1. 配合集团审计同事完成各业务部/部门审计工作;
2. 准备审计前期资料及后期资料整理归档;
3. 整理归档集团审计部文档;
4. 上级指派的其他工作。
4. 大三、大四或研一、研二学生,财会相关专业;
5. 勤奋踏实, 学习沟通能力强;
6. 电脑操作熟练,熟悉 office 软件使用。
工资结算: 人民币 120-150 元/天,月结
上班地址: 上海市浦东新区北艾路 1766 号大华锦绣 7 楼
联系人: Ressy Pang 68783655- 5602 ressy.pang@columbia-china.com
Columbia China is a privately-held, Shanghai-based healthcare company serving the growing needs for world-class medical facilities across China with single and multi-specialty hospitals, rehabilitation facilities and clinics. Columbia China is dedicated to offering patients high quality, personalized care in a clean, modern environment with access to highly trained doctors and advanced medical technologies. Facilities are currently under development in the cities of Shanghai, Wuxi, Jiaxing, Changzhou.
We are looking for Clinic Customer Service Intern, Group HR Intern, Wuxi Clinic Sales & Marketing Intern, if you are interested in our positon, please send your resume to: ressy.pang@columbia-china.com.
Clinic Customer Service
Position Description:
Receptionists have a unique responsibility of making a good first impression, which can impact the success of our company for a long time. Typically they are the first line of employees that patients or visitors interact with, so they must be friendly, professional and helpful to everyone. They are responsible for answering and transferring all calls, greeting patients and visitors, handling inquiries and providing information related to the clinic.
1) To be polite and friendly at all times, always greeting patients warmly and cheerfully.
2) Receive and direct all incoming and internal phone calls. To transfer all calls to the appropriate extension, ensuring that the caller is connected to the person required.
3) Assist all patients and visitors with general information and referrals to all enquiries.
4) Maintain a close liaison with nurses informing them of patient arrivals.
5) Co-ordinate with the Cashier to assist patients with the filling out of various insurance claim forms. Working Hours: At least 4 days per week
Education Background: no preference
Intern Salary: RMB 120-150 per day
Location: 25F, No 1468 West Nanjing Road, Jingan District, Shanghai
Group HR Intern
Position Description:
1. Organize English course/ English Salon;
2. Assist to making phone calls with applicant professionally and arrange interview for HR team;
3. Assist to recruit, such as CV screening, job announcement maintain/refreshing and so on;
4. Others duties assigned by hiring manager.
Working Hours: At least 4 days per week
Education Background: no preference
Intern Salary: RMB 120-150 per day
Location: 7F, No 1766 Beiai Road, Pudong District, Shanghai
WUXI Clinic Sales and Marketing
Position Description:
1.Sales & Marketing related education background or working experience;
2.Good communication skills;
3.Good team working skills;
4.Fluent Chinese is preferred;
Working Hours: At least 4 days per week
Education Background: no preference
Intern Salary: RMB 120-150 per day
Location: 6-102, No 26 Hefeng Roadm, Xinwu District, Wuxi
If you are interested in our Intern position, please feel free to contact Ressy Pang, 021-68783655-5602,
or ressy.pang@columbia-china.com
Columbia China Intern Info.pdf